15 Lake Ridge Plaza, Valley Cottage, NY 10989
Text or call: 845-675-8444
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Don’t Let Back Pain Ruin Your Independence (Day)!

Ed called the office the last week in a panic,

“Dave, my back and leg have been starting to kick up again, and I just found out that all my son’s will be coming up for the Fourth of July with all my grandchildren, and I haven’t seen them since Christmas because of all this COVID garbage. When my son’s come to visit we always head to the golf course for a round and the grandkid’s love to play with me in the pool, and I just don’t know if I can do it, because I’m worried that if I do, I will end up in my back like last time. Can you Help?”

Let me start by giving you a little of Ed’s back story…

I met Ed about a year and a half ago, when he was sent to see me by his primary care physician after being in so much back and leg pain that he could barely leave his house. In fact, he only felt better when he was lying flat on the floor…but then he needed one of his sons to drive 35 minutes to help him off the floor.

You see, Ed just turned 63 at the time, still worked in construction, and wanted to be able to continue working, keeping up with his house maintenance and spending more time with his grandkids than he was able to with his sons when they were young.

When Ed came to see me a year and a half ago, his pain and inability to move had him in such a bad place that he questioned everything that he planned for his “Golden Years” and worried that he was not going to be able to enjoy all his hard work all these years…even wondered if he was going to be able to take care of himself and if he would need to get people to help him do the housework (let alone take care of himself).

Ed and I worked together to get his motion back, learn new techniques not to aggravate his back (like proper rolling techniques and better sitting posture), increase his control of the back (core stabs!!!) and how to lift and carry things at work to keep his back from hurting.

By the time we finished, Ed was back working like he was 35 again, mowing his own lawn, and even started back at the gym. Ed took my advice and made changes in the way he was doing things in his daily life and continuing his maintenance exercises.

Ed did so well that last fall I received a letter from him with a picture of him and his 3 sons on the golf course in Puerto Vallarta. He wrote to say how happy he was to be able to take his whole family away and able to enjoy every second of the vacation without back pain…he even shot his lowest score ever!!! A 92!!! (He never said that he was a great golfer, just that he enjoyed it). But he did beat all 3 of his sons, and that he is never going to let them forget it!

So, What Happened Now?

Turns out that Ed was off of work and sitting around for the last 3 months (like many of you), he even ran out of projects at home and there were only so many places to go to get out of the house for some peace and quiet. So, he started watching TV…

Then, finally, the state started to open up for construction, and Ed got back to work (but after sitting all that time, his back wasn’t ready…he even had stopped his exercise program). He was lifting and bending “like I always do”, but the back started to ache at the end of the day. Ed thought it would just be better in a couple weeks.

Then he found out his kids were coming home with their families, so he went to the driving range (can’t fall behind those 3 boys…). The back was worse at the range!

That’s when he called me…

We spent some time discussing his back pain and what was making it better and what was making it worse, did some tests, and figured out what was now different.

Ed just aggravated his same problem. He went from not doing anything to trying to do everything, and his back wasn’t ready for that! (He did read article When Gyms Open—Will You Be Ready, but it didn’t even occur to him that it relates to any physical activity).

Ed started a new exercise program that probably started about 1 to 1 ½ steps ahead of his original problem that included prone press ups, abdominal bracing, hamstring stretching, and bridging. By the third visit of the week, the pain was only there after work.

We reviewed his work postures and were even able to progress to the next level with his exercises!

Then he went to the Driving Range… and no increased soreness!!!

Ed and I have 2 more appointments this week, but he already made the tee time for Saturday morning at Falkirk Golf Club in Central Valley and has thrown down the normal challenge…”High Score Buys Lunch!” to his “boys”.

How Did Ed Get Such Great Results???

I’ll tell you…not everyone does as well as Ed.

Ed got such quick and lasting results because his goals were clear and he had the confidence and drive to do anything necessary to get there.

When I spoke to Ed it hit me immediately that all he wanted was to feel like he was able to keep up…

To keep up with his sons on the golf course, to keep up with is ever growing lawn (which I can’t understand how his lawn is still growing, as mine looks like hay), and spend time with his grandkids.

Long story short, Ed wanted to be Independent for Independence Day!

If you are concerned that you are slowing down and can’t keep up with your kids on the golf course (or in the mall when they open back up again), schedule a FREE PHONE CONSULTATION with me, so we can give you some clarity on the road that you need to take to remain Independent this summer.


If the phone is not your cup of tea, Click Here for a FREE DISCOVERY VISIT, where we can get to the root of the problem in our office, so you can see what we have to offer to keep you moving…and enjoying your 4th.

If you’re not ready for a phone call or a discovery visit, and want to start on your own, I recommend starting with our Back Pain Guide…Click the Book Below!

From me to you: