15 Lake Ridge Plaza, Valley Cottage, NY 10989
Text or call: 845-675-8444
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Free Tips Reports

Low Back Pain Tips

Low Back Pain is the Number One cause of missed activities daily in the US.

Click below for your FREE report on the 9 Easy Tips to Stop Your Low Back Pain from Stopping Your Work-Outs and Social Activities (Plus some bonus tips) to get you back to ALL your activities without medications or surgery.

Knee Pain Tips

Knee pain can really limit your activity and ability to stay active.

Click Below for access to this FREE tips report for the 7 Easy Ways To Prevent Knee Pain So You Can Stay Active and Keep Up With Your Busy Life!

Neck Pain Tips

Click Below for the 7 Simple Strategies To Live with Less Neck Pain so You Can Be More Comfortable Sleeping, Driving and Working at Your Desk to learn the top 7 tips that will help you turn your head and sleep better…keep an eye out for some extra special BONUS tips.

Shoulder Pain Tips

Shoulder pain makes it difficult to reach into the cabinet, lift the kids, work at a computer and go to the gym. Find out how to get away from that pain and back to activities you love.

Click Below for your FREE report on the 5 Essential Tips to Keep Your Shoulder Healthy and Pain-Free and Working, Cooking and Going to the Gym.

Sports Injury Tips

Click the Link Below for access to the The 8 Secrets that ONLY Pro Athletes Know and Use to Recover From Injuries!…and keep an eye out for the special Bonuses.

Running Injury Tips

Click the Link Below for access to the 6 Main Causes of Running Injuries…And What You Can Do to Prevent Them…and keep an eye out for the special Bonuses.

Foot and Ankle Pain Tips

Foot and Ankle Pain is so overlooked in today’s day and age, but it can be helped without surgery or pain-medications.

Click Below for your FREE report on the 7 Vital Actions to Eliminate Foot and Ankle Pain Without Surgery or Pain-Meds to get you back to ALL your activities without medications or surgery.

Ready to get your FREE guide?
  • Tips & Recommendations to STOP YOUR LOW BACK PAIN from stopping your workouts and time out with your friends and family
  • Bonus Tips to get the most out of limited resources and time.
  • Expert Advice to avoid having to have pain medications and surgery.
Ready to get your FREE guide?
  • Tips & recommendations to prevent knee pain
  • Easy ideas to get the most out of limited resources and time to keep you active.
  • Expert advice to avoid the mistakes many people have made when they are trying to stop their knee pain on their own.
Ready to get your FREE guide?
  • Tips & Recommendations to help you get started on the road to a life with less neck pain
  • Bonus Material that is reserved for our best clients
  • Expert Advice on how to get back to exercise without having to worry about your neck stoppong you.
Ready to get your FREE guide?
  • Tips & Recommendations to keep your shoulder healthy and painfree easier and faster.
  • Essential Tips to keep working, cooking and going to the gym without shoulder pain.
  • Expert Advice to avoid the mistakes many people made when they tried to take care of their shoulder on their own.
Ready to get your FREE guide?
  • Tips & Recommendations to Help You Recover from Your Sports Injury
  • Time-saving Ideas to get you back to your sport without the fear of the injury returning.
  • Expert Advice to get you back FASTER and KEEP you playing.
Ready to get your FREE guide?
  • Tips & Recommendations to avoid having to stop running.
  • A look at the reasons why you have started to slow down or have to stop early from your run.
  • Expert Advice to keep running and training to not only make it through the next race, but to excel.
Ready to get your FREE guide?
  • Tips & Recommendations for Active Adults and Athletes get back to Work Outs, Sports and the Activities You Love
  • Time-saving Ideas to get the most out of limited time and begin moving back toward your health.
  • Expert Advice to Eliminate Foot and Ankle Pain Without Surgery or Pain-Meds.